90th logo

Since 1926
, this Association has dedicated itself to the betterment of all teachers who have retired from the Chicago Public Schools.

of Chicago
111 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 2010
Chicago IL 60602-2949
Phone: 312-750-1522  Fax: 312-750-1502

Louella B. Preston

Arlene R. Crandall,
Executive Director
News, Opinions, Resources, Archives & Forms
Legislation and Advocacy
Workshops, Calendar of Meetings, Events, Activities and Opportunities
(Mouse over these options to see the drop down menus-more details are here.)
Remember, RTAC is YOUR independent voice for pension protection and enhancement.  We are NOT part of the Chicago Public Schools nor the Chicago Teachers Union.   We work with but are NOT a part of the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund.
HELP US preserve, protect and enhance YOUR pension.  Join RTAC, apply here.
RTAC is seeking an Assistant to the Executive Director.
Information is here.

RTAC is looking for a member to help manage the RTAC Alert System.  Details are here.

RTAC is asking for a member to volunteer as a Zoom host.  Details are here.

An assistant Webmaster position for the RTAC.ORG website is available.  Details here.
  RTAC is YOUR voice as an independent organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing YOUR pension.
Read about and contribute to our 'Legal Defense Fund' here.
To contact the Webmaster: Click here.

A history of RTAC's actions and involvement for the benefit of ALL retirees is here.

A CTPF summary of the 2022 Economic Impact of your Pension is here.

If you decide to return to work within the Chicago Public School system, there are VERY STRICT limits as to how many days you may work. Going over by as little as ONE DAY can jeopardize YOUR ENTIRE PENSION.
It is YOUR responsibility to keep accurate track of the time/days you work for CPS!
For more information see this CTPF website page.

PLEASE join our RTAC-ALERT Network.  Members get the FASTEST UPDATES on pending legislation, often on the same day that events occur.  Just click on 
RTAC-ALERT Network and give your name, e-mail address and zip code (this is to verify your RTAC membership). THE ONLY OBLIGATION IS YOUR PROMISE TO MAKE CONTACT WITH LEGISLATORS, if requested, on behalf of retired Chicago Public School teachers. The Alert Network's fast and massive responses have already earned the respect of legislators throughout the state, and constitute our first line of defense. Join NOW! Your help is urgently needed!

Know a Fellow Retiree in Financial Difficulties?
Check the Aid Fund website - crtaf.org.

The obviousFun things are here.
(If a frog double parked, would it be toad?)
Humorous (but true??) Cartoons are here.
Check your birth year for interesting information here.
(Enter your birth year, click the question mark and then sit back and watch.)

Useful household products are here.
(Are there other uses for Preparation H?)

Defined Benefits vs. Defined Contributions
Currently we have a defined benefit retirement plan where we are guaranteed our benefits for life.  If some legislators get their way, new employees will work under a defined contributions retirement plan where the benefits are based entirely on how much was contributed.
Read an analysis of Public Pensions by the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability -- here.
If you would like to see how much you would have needed to contribute to a retirement fund to enjoy your current pension, click here and enter some data.  Be aware that the projected total you have in your account when you retire must last for life - i.e. if your retirement account has $1,000,000 in it when you retire and you expect to live another 20 years, you can only withdraw $50,000 per year and the balance will continue to decrease until your account is completely depleted and you have nothing left to live on.  

Looking for something to do?
Check out our EVENTS page.
The EVENTS page lists events of interest to all CPS teachers, active as well as retired.

The Events page contains direct links to over 100 area entertainment venues!
You might also like to check our VOLUNTEER, JOBS and OTHER OPPORTUNITIES pages.

For information and updates from the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund, click here.
Click here to see a list of delinquent Charter Schools.

Site Map and Links
Latest SITE update: July 15, 2024
Last Committee Meetings page update: July 15, 2024
Last CTPF information page update: December 18, 2020
Last Employment page update: June 9, 2024
Last Events & Activities page update: Seotember 30, 2023
Last Forms page update: March 8, 2022
Last Home page update: July 15, 2024
Last Legislation Update page update: February 11, 2024
Last Other Opportunities page update: March 29, 2024
Last Pending Bills page update:February 11, 2024
Last Resources page update: November 23, 2022
Last Reunions page update: December 19, 2023
Last Volunteer page update: February 11, 2024
Last Workshop & Seminar page update:Novrmber 8. 2023
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See our FUN page for more.

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A more detailed listing of the pages available.

News, Opinions, Resources, Archives & Forms
Legislation and Advocacy
Workshops, Events, Activities and Opportunities
News Bulletins Go Green
The latest News Bulletin is available through this link as are many of the past News Bulletins.
Updated 3/30/21
The Archives of past legislation, stories and posts are here.
Legislation Update & Pending Bills
RTAC supported legislation

Find your legislators HERE
(Enter your 9 digit zip, 'Find Address' then 'Confirm Address')
The 2022 legislative calendars are available for both the House and Senate.
Updated 1/11/22
Workshops & Seminars
Updated 11/8/23
Scheduled Board & Committee Meetings
(Most are open to the public but space is limited.)
Updated 6/7/23

Events & Activities
A schedule of Fall workshops & seminars is here.
Updated 9/30/23
Opinions and Editorials supporting RTAC's position on Pension matters are here.
Become a 'Pension Fund Ambassador' (here) and print letters to your legislators about the economic impact of your pension (here).
Employment Opportunities
ELS is seeking a Substitute Associate Instructor
RTAC is seeking an Assistant Executive Director

Updated 16/9/24
The CTPF website is here, recent CTPF actions and information is here and the CTU website is here.

Alert Network
For more information about the Alert Network, click here or join the E-mail Alert Network
Find Your State and Federal Legislators here
Illinois Senators by district
Illinois Senators by name

Illinois Representatives by district
Illinois Representatives by name

Updated 12/20/22
Photos of visits to legislators
Updated 3/4/17
Volunteer Opportunities
Updated 4/10//21

Other Volunteer Opportunities
Erie Neighborhood House
RTAC Alert Assistant

RTAC Assistant Webmaster
Updated 3/29/24
Fraud Alert/Identity Theft
Updated 7/30/20

Updated 11/23/22
How to Write Your Legislator
+ + + + + + +
Sample Letters
(and the addresses of media outlets)
Updated 6/12/15
A list of businesses and services that provide Senior discounts.
Updated 6/1/15
RTAC forms
Legal Defense Donations
Nomination for the Armstrong Award
Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Form
Updated 3/6/22
See Photos of RTAC members meeting with their legislators and at other activities.
Read a summary of the presentations at the AARP:NRTA conference in Washington D.C.
Updated 3/4/17

Jesse Spalding School
Morgan Park 
Updated 12/19/23
RTAC Actions

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