The Armstrong Award Committee is suspending all actions concerning the Award for this year. Because of the uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus, as access to the office, prohibitions against even small meetings, etc., we will not accept applications--nor act on any that may be received--after this announcement.
The Committee regrets this action, but feels it is prudent at this time.  Thank you for your understanding.  Carlene Lutz, Chair

The Retired Teachers Association of Chicago has established this Award to honor those individuals who have demonstrated a devotion to the Association, its goals and membership.
James E. Armstrong was the principal of Englewood High School beginning in the 1880's and is reputed to have originated several significant pedagogical innovations (see this reference).  Among many of his accomplishments was that he co-authored (with James B. Norton, then principal of Lake View High School) one of the most widely used high school chemistry lab manuals of the time (see this reference - please note that it is still available from Amazon).  

James E. Armstrong was one of the founders of RTAC in 1926. The initial organization was devoted to the problems of retired Chicago teachers and this continues to remain as our primary concern.
Any RTAC member in good standing can nominate another member in good standing to be acknowledged for his/her outstanding commitment, dedication, and service to RTAC

1) A member in good standing who demonstrates consistent service over a period of time to the operation or charitable outreach of RTAC.
2) A member in good standing who has demonstrated extended service that helps move the organization forward. 

Please submit the name(s) of your nominee(s) to the Award Committee with a brief rationale for your selection(s).

Nominations should be not be submitted until the Coronavirus situation is resolved.

Nomination forms are available here: 

Armstrong Nomination Form (PDF – print, fill out and e-mail it to us)

           Armstrong Nomination Form (Word/Works/Wordperfect/OpenOffice – save, fill out and e-mail to us)

Mail to:

The James E. Armstrong Award Committee  
Retired Teachers Association
Suite 2010
111 N. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60602-2949

Or e-mail to: with the subject as ‘James E. Armstrong Award’

Back to the RTAC home page.
Other RTAC forms page.