![]() of Chicago |
826CHI -
773-772-8108 Maggie Farren (Chicago - Northwest) A. C. E. S. - 773-535-6922 Eric Werge AARP - 847-571-5514 Loretta Hilsher AARP Experience Corp - 312-660-8664 Kevin S. Smith (Chicago - Central) AARP Illinois Center - 312-458-3604 Beverly Moore Abraham Lincoln Centre - 773-451-3360 Hannah Katz (Chicago - Bronzeville) ACE Tech Charter School - 773-834-9728 Joan Archie (Chicago - South) Adler Planetarium - 312-542-2411 Maria Christus (Chicago - Central) Advocate Hospice Volunteer Program - 630-963-6800 Nikita White-Simmons (Chicago SW) AgeOptions - 708-383-0258 (Near West Suburbs) AHS (Adult ESL and Literacy) - 773-564-4947 Robbin Kotajarvi (Chicago - Northside) Albany Park Community Center - 773-509-5657x441 Claire Gilbertsen (Chicago - Northwest) Alternatives For The Older Adult - 800-798-0988 Tracee Keefer (Outlying Counties) Alzheimer's Association - Greater Illinois Chapter - 847-779-6952 Erin King (West Suburban) American Cancer Society - 708-484-8541 x231 Raeann Spencer (West Suburban) American Heart Association - 312-476-6643 Traci Bruce (Chicago area) American Lung Association of Chicago - 312-628-0234 Alexis Lewis (Chicago - Central) American Red Cross (Chicago - CPR & First aid) - 312-729-6111 LaToya Sewell-Hall (Chicagol) American Red Cross (Northern Illinois) - 708-305-8473 Phillip Leo (Northern Illinois) ANS Preparatory Institute (GED Tutoring) - 773-442-6192 Doris Franklin (Chicago - North) Aquinas Literacy Center (ESL) (Literacy Tutoring) - 773-927-0512 Sabrina Poulin (Chicago - Near South) The Art Institute's Ryan Education Center - 312-443-3798 Karin Jacobson (Chicago Central) Asian Human Services LEAF Program - 773-564-4963 Chris Sherman (Chicago North) Association House of Chicago (GED tutoring) - 773-772-7170x3506 Jeanette Igwe (Chicago - Near Northwest) Battered Women's Network - 312-750-0730 Betsy Minor (Chicago - Central) Better Boys Foundation - 773-542-7335 Sara Chambers (Chicago - North Lawndale) Black Ensemble Theater Cultural Center - 773-754-3911 (Chicago - Near North) Blind Service Assn - 312-236-0808 Sally Cooper (Chicago - Central) Bright Star Community Outreach - 773-373-5220 Nichole Carter (Chicago-Near South) Brookfield Zoo - 708-485-0263x366 Regi Mezydlo (West) Bucharest Christian Academy (Various positions) - Donna Brown (Bucharest Romania) Burr Oak School-708-388-8010 Natashia Harris (South Suburbs) CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates of Cook County) (Child Advocacy Services) - 312-433-5800 LaFayette Young Jr. (Cook County) Catholic Charities (Tutor) - 312-655-7412 Albert Curtis Jr. (Cook and Lake Counties) Center for Economic Progress - 312-630-0288x1 Nina Limbeck (Chicago - Central) Centro Loyola - 312-226-7887 Daniel Loftus Chicago Architecture Center - 312-922-3432x225 Barbara Hrbek (Chicago - Central) Chicago Botanic Garden - 847-835-6800 Judy Cashen (Glenco) Chicago Cultural Center - 312-744-7096 Marianne Wolf (Chicago - Central) Chicago Distance Classic - 217-390-1163 Dani Chitwood (Chicago - Central) Chicago Family Directions (Second Grade Tutoring) - 630-222-8266 Dennis Nyhan (Chicago) Chicago Foundation for Education - 312-670-2036 Julie Schumann (Chicago - Central) Chicago History Museum - 312-642-4600 Marne Bariso (Chicago - Near North) Chicago HOPES (Homeless support) - 773-553-2242 Arifa Boyer (Chicago) Chicago Hopes for Kids (Literacy) - 312-690-4240 Morgan Oliver (Chicago - Near West) Chicago HOPES for Kids (Literacy) - 312-690-4240 Allison Roberts (Chicago) The Chicago Lighthouse - 312-666-1331x3141 Dick Carlson (Chicago) Chicago Lights (Tutoring) - 312-981-3560 Regina D. Grant (Chicago - Central) Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women's Network - 312-750-0730 Betsy Minor (Chicago - Central) Chicago Public Library - 312-745-0994 Cristina Medina (Chicago) Chicago Public Schools Student STEM Exhibition - - 312-248-4498 Carrie Kaestner (Chicago) Chicago Symphony Orchestra - 312-294-3160 (Chicago - Central) Chicago State University (Basic Skills tutoring) - 773-995-4419 Cynthia Valenciano (Chicago - South) Chicago West Side Christian School - 773-542-0663 Lydia Guanga (Chicago - near West) Chicago Youth Centers (Mentors) - 312-762-5655 Michelle Gauthier (Chicago - Central) ChildServe at Bryant Elementary School (Tutoring) - 773-867-7362 Jennifer Collins (Harvey) Child Services - 773-693-0300 Greta Nielsen (Cook, Lake and DuPage Counties) Christopher House (Youth Tutoring/Literacy and Adult Education) - 773-922-7500 ext. 27252 Alicia M. Villagomez (Chicago - North) Citizen Schools - 617-922-0761 Erin Driesbach (Chicago - Near Southwest) Comfort Hospics & Palliative Care - 847-983-8257 Cheryl Cloh (Chicago - North & South) Community
Animal Rescue Effort - 847-705-2653
Heather Brown (Skokie)
Community Nurse Health Center - 708-579-2403 Michelle Grand (Near West) Consult 4 Kids - 661-322-4347 Brandon Turner Council for Jewish Elderly - 773-508-1064 Anne L. Simon Count Me In! - 773-381-6024 William N. Black (Chicago - North) Court’s Special Advocate (Child Advocacy) - 312-433-6997 Imogene Harris (Cook County) CPS Student Science Fair (Workers and Judges) - 312-248-4498 Carrie Kaestner (Chicago) Crown Family PlayLab at The Field Museum - 312-665-7307 Kate Cary (Chicago - Central) Cycle - 312-664-1194x14 Melinda Brand (Chicago - Near North) DuPage Historical Museum - 630-682-6746 Mary Johnson (DuPage County) DuSable Museum of African American History - 773-947-0600 x239 Kay McCrimon (Chicago - South) Erie Neighborhood House - 773-542-7617 x 2804 Jailine Santiago (Chicago - Central) Escorted Transportation Service - 847-222-9227 Dallas Ann Tomlin (Arlington Hts.) Evanston NorthWestern Healthcare - 847-570-2840 Ronna Jacobson (Evanston) Fabyan Villa Museum and Japanese Garden (Tour Guides & Greeters) 630-377-6424 Lynn Dransoff (Geneva) Field Museum - 312-665-7270 Megan Bradley (Chicago - Central) Forest Preserve District - 630-933-7681 Deborah Cuca Brooks (Western Suburbs) Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust - 708-848-1976 Kent Bartram (Chicago - South or Oak Park) Fray Luis Amigo Schools - +255713008798 Br. Projestus Mutalemwa (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) FreshStart (GED Tutors) - 708-205-1334 Donna Thomas (Southwest Suburbs) Friends of Historic Second Church - 1-800-657-0687 Katy Gallagher (Chicago - Near South) Friends of the Parks - 312-922-3307 Laura Ronneberg (Chicago - Central) Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance - 773-638-1766x24 Kirsten Akre (Chicago - West) Gary Comer Youth Center - 773-358-4088 Reggie Tucker (Chicago - South) Ginkgo Organic Gardens - 773-404-7114 (Chicago - North) Gads Hill Center (Mentoring) - 312-226-0963x231 Lisset Gonzalez (Chicago) GiGi's Playhouse in Fox Valley - 630-778-7529 Katie Vaughan (Fox Valley Glenkirk (Programs for the Developmentally Disabled) - 847-400-8569 Roberta M. Rekus (Northbrook) Glessner House Museum - 312-326-1480 Clare Schaecher (Chicago - Near South) Global Volunteers - 800-487-1074 Lynn Lotkowictz (International) Grandma, Please - 773-561-3500 Kathy Slover The Grove National Historic Landmark - 224-521-2098 Elizabeth Cline (Glenview) |
Alliance Vista - 312-696-4500x4085 Carol McNeill
(Chicago - Central) Howard Area Community Center - (Adult Literacy and ESL Tutoring) - 773-262-6622 x254 Stephanie Minich (Chicago - Rogers Park Ill. Action for Children (Children's Advocacy) - 312-986-9591 Rebecca Klipfel (Chicago - Central) Ill. Holocaust Museum & Education Center - 847-967-4853 Jessica Hulten Ill. Parents Anonymous (Parental Counseling) - 312-649-7301 Melinda Crosby Ill. Volunteers of America (Advocacy) - 312-707-8707 Peggy Schweiger Inner Voice Learning Center (Leadership Building) - 312-666-8110 Antoinette Toliver (Chicago - Near West) International Museum of Surgical Science - 312-642-6502 Kristen Vogt (Chicago-near North) International Visitors Center of Chicago - 312-254-1800x102 Lexy Sobel JCB School - 773-467-3746 Amber Egelston (Chicago) Jesse White Tumblers (tutors) - 312 943-4846 Yvonne C. Jones (Chicago - Central) Junior Achievement Chicago - 312-715-1300x262. Ellie Richardson Kids Voting - 312-332-3107 Ellen Solomon KIPP Ascend Charter School (Tutors and Mentors) - 773-261-9972 Sheri Barrette (Chicago - West) Kohl Children's Museum - 847-832-6892 Patty Timothy (Glenview) LaRabida Children's Hospital - 773-256-5985 Judi Blakemore (Chicago - Jackson Park) League of Women Voters - 312-939-5935 Courtney Balok (Chicago - Central) Learning Edge Tutoring - 773-378-5530 Kara Kalnitz (Chicago - West) The Learning Center (Adult Tutoring) - 773-277-3111 Sr. Monice Kavanaugh (Chicago - Lawndale) Lifelong Learning Institute at National-Lewis University - 224-233-2366 Joan Marks (North Suburbs) The Link & Option Center, Inc. (Literacy Tutoring) – 708-331-4880 Twin Green (South Suburban) Lincoln Park Community Shelter - 773-549-6111x216 Fawn O'Brien (Chicago-North) Lincoln Park Zoo (Animals & Education)- 312-742-2124 Betsy Maher (Chicago - Near North) Lira Arts (Polish) - 773-508-7040 Katharine McJimsey Literacy Connection - 847-742-6565 Karen Oswald (Northwest Suburbs) Literacy Volunteers of DuPage - 630-416-6699 Tana Tatnall (DuPage County) Little Brothers Friends of Elderly - 312-455-1000 Geri Mead (Chicago) LivingWorks - 513-255-0601 Katherine Lamb (Chicago - North) Loyola Museum of Art - 312-915-7604 Ann Meehan (Chicago - Near North) Madonna Mission - 847-220-1122 Tane Beecham (Chicago - North) Maryville Academy - 847-294-1703 Mary Keiger (Northwest Suburbs) Mercy Home for Boys and Girls (Mentor) - 312-738-7554 J. Brown/E. Dordek (Chicago - Central) Mercy Housing Lakefront (Adult Literacy Tutors) - 312-878-1890 Toronda Hudson Metropolitan Family Services Midway Center - 773-884-2267 Dee Speich Metropolitan Tenants Organization - 773-292-4980 ext. 223 Rebecca McDannald Midtown Educational Foundation (Tutoring)- 312-226-4886x232 Carolyn Madigan (Chicago - Near Southwest) Misericordia Home - 773-273-4163 Therese Loftus Mitchell Museum of the American Indian - 847-475-1030 Kathleen McDonald (Evanston) Museum of Broadcast Communications - 312-245-8200 (EXT 7) Steve Jajkowski (Chicago - Central) Museum of Science & Industry - 773-753-2595 Penny Aulston (Chicago - Jackson Park) Naper Settlement - 630-420-6010 Jeanne Schultz Angel (Naperville) National Hellenic Musem - 312-655-1234x27 Hannah Imber (Chicago - Central) National Runaway Safeline - 773-289-1726 Volunteer Coordinator ( Chicago - North) North Shore Senior Center (Senior Advocacy) - 847-784-6000 Paul J. Luzwick (Northfield) Oakton Community College - 847-635-1434 Rita Stewart (Des Plaines and Skokie) Oriental Institute, University of Chicago - 773-702-1845 Cathy D or Terry F (Chicago - Hyde Park) PAWS Chicago - 773-687-4722 Melissa Ziberna (Chicago Near North) Peace Corps - 312-353-4990 Chicago Regional Peace Corps Office Peace Hospice and Palliative Care - 773-233-1010 Alyssandra McKaye (Chicago - Beverly) Peoples Resource Center - 630-682-5402 x246 :ucinda Page (West Suburbs) Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum - 773-755-5141 Jennifer Labows (Chicago - Lincoln Park) PetCare Curriculum - 773-784-5605 Julie Smith Polish Museum of America - 773-384-3352 Mrs. Maria Ciesla (Chicago - Near Northwest) Prairie Ave. House Museum - 312-326-1480 Michael Soet (Bronzeville) Prologue Adult Education (Literacy Tutoring) - 773-728-7221 Christina Mang (Chicago - North) Purple Asparagus (Good Eating Tutoring) - 312-906-7622 Rachael Morkunas (Chicago Area) Read to Learn (Literacy Tutors) - 847-718-7224 Lesley Goldberg (Northwest) Red Cross - 312-729-6100 (Chicago Area) Retired/Senior Volunteers - 312-906-8600x214 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & Northwest Indiana – 312-888-2522, Brittany Wright Roseland Community Hospital - 773-995-3470 Jennifer Seldon (Chicago - Roseland) R.T.A.C. Service Committee - 312-750-1522 Arlene Crandall (Chicago Central) Salvation Army Group Home - 312-455-8059x200 Frank Massolini (Chicago - Central) School Children's Aid Society - 773-247-1311 Margaret Paul School on Wheels - 708-482-5060 Debbie Brandt (Western Suburbs) Science Fair (Judges) - 312-248-4498 Carrie Kaestner (Chicago) Second Sense - 312-236-8569 Kathy Austin (Chicago - Central) Shedd Aquarium - 312-692-3167 Bridget Thornton (Chicago -Central) Sierra Club's Inner City Outings - 847-274-0127 Melanie Mac Innis (Chicago - North) Smith Village - 773-474-7300 Sarah Jewett (Chicago - South) Spring Valley Nature Center - 847-985-2100 Susan Findling (Schaumburg) Srewolf & Nitram Foundation HEARTS - 708-560-3816 Dr. William A. Martin (Lansing) St. Joseph Services - 773-278-0484 Joseph Hooks (Chicago & Southwest suburbs) Substance Newspaper - 312-736-1702 C. Blumenthal Swedish-American Museum - 773-728-8111 Layne Borden (Chicago - North) Teen Parent Services - 312-633-1664 Sylvester Hughes (Chicago - Near West) TEC Tutoring - 773-374-2363 Konora Maxwell Travelers Aid - 773-894-2427 Laura Smith (O'Hare International Airport) Travelers/Immigrants Aid - 312-629-4500x5011 Brian Harvey University of Chicago Hospitals - 773-702-5673 Nancy Frazier (Chicago - Hyde Park) The Vintage Market at the Grove National Historic Landmark - 224-521-2098 Elizabeth Cline (Glenview) WilPower (retirees helping retirees) - 847-501-2939 Minnie Morton (Northfield) WITS (one-on-one early childhood reading) - 312-606-2032 Lindsey Giacherio (Chicago - Central) Woman Made Gallery - 312-328-0038 Pamela Callahan (Chicago - Near Northwest) Working In The Schools (Reading & Learning Proficiency) - 312-368-9487 Liz Murphy (Chicago) World Relief Chicago (ESL Tutoring) - 773-681-8554 Kathryn Waldron (Chicago - North) |