of Chicago
Resources Available to RTAC Members
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(Not a member, fill out and send in this form.)
Since 1926, the primary
mission of this Association is the betterment of all teachers
who have retired from the Chicago Public Schools.
A major part of this mission is the protection of the
The following is a list
of valuable links and resources:
- RTAC is pleased to
announce that it now is able to provide complimentary
Notary Public service for our members at
our office Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Please call prior to coming
to our office located at 111
N. Wabash Avenue – Suite 2010 in
Chicago to
ensure that our notary public staff member is
available. You also need to bring a photo ID.
- RTAC employs an experienced lobbiest in
Springfield to keep our membership informed about
pending legislation and to help alert our membership
to the potentially bad (or good) points of various
proposed bills. See this page for
the status of pending legislation. Find your local Illinois legislators at
VoteIllinois here.
your 9 digit ZIP code, click 'Find Address', 'OK' and
'Confirm Address'. If you live outside of
Illinois, visit your state's website.
- The Chicago Teacher's
Pension Fund (CTPF) website is here,
recent CTPF actions and information
is here, the Chicago Teacher's Union (CTU)
website is here and the Illinois Sate Board of Education
(ISBE) is here.
Information about Retired Educator's
Licensure and Reinstatement Requirements
on the ISBE website is here.
- Information on a City of Chicago
property tax rebate program can be found here.
- The Cook
County Elder Justice Center (CCEJC) is
designed to serve as a resource center for citizens
of Cook County who are aged 60 and older. The CCEJC will provide information
and support needed to help older adults avoid
becoming victims of abuse, neglect and financial
exploitation. The CCEJC will
also provide referrals to the appropriate legal and
social service agencies. A list of the free
workshops provided by CCEJC is here.
- Information about Oak Street Health Warming
and/or Cooling
- RTAC is a strong supporter of the Social Security Fairness
movement dedicated to eliminating the Windfall
Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government
Pension Offset (GPO) provisions that greatly reduce
the amount of Social Security that qualifying
members should receive. See this site
for more information.
- RTAC members qualify for the MetLife group dental
program. See this site for more
information on the MetLife program
or call the RTAC office at 1-312-750-1522. MetLife also provides a number of
links that answer possible oral health questions
and provide valuable information. See this site.
An additional option of the MetLife
dental program is a vision care program. Call
the RTAC office at 1-312-750-1522 for more information
on the vision care portion of the MetLife Dental
- Information about Social Security Disability benefits
is here
or here
and a Social Security
benefit calculator can be found here.
members qualify for the Hear in America
group hearing program which provided discounts on
hearing aids and other hearing services. Call the
RTAC office at 1-312-750-1522 for more information on
this program.
- The Chicago Retired
Teachers' Aid Fund (CRTAF) is dedicated to
helping any member who is going through a tough
financial time. To go to their website click here.
- Read an analysis of the Affordable Care Act (alias 'Obama
Care') and how it affects your healthcare insurance
cost by RTAC Director Patricia B. Kubistal here.
- Senior Living at
Clarendale Six Corners -
Independent Living -- Assisted Living -- Memory Care -- A rental community
operated by Life Care Services.
Senior Living at Waterford Estates -
Independent Living -- Assisted Living -- Memory Care
Senior Living at Smith Village - A 'Life
Plan' Community
- Information about the different types and
options available for Annuities
can be found on this page.
- Estimated travel times via Chicago Expressways is
available here.
- Information on how to get around Chicago on
the CTA is
available here.
- Information on how to get around Chicago's
Suburbs on Metra is
available here.
- Airline delay and flight status
information is available here.
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the RTAC home page.