- Specifically ask for support of your position.
- Address you legislator properly.
- Write legibly (handwritten letters are fine if they are easily
- Be brief, to the point and discuss only one issue in each letter.
- Try to identify a bill by number and/or title.
- Know the facts. Do not try to influence a legislator before you
have a complete understanding of the issue.
- If possible, give an example of how the legislation will affect
you personally.
- If you are writing as an individual, use you own words and your
own stationery. If you are writing as an organization, use the
organization's stationery.
- Include your address and sign your name legibly.
- If you have any family, business or political connection
regarding the issue you are writing about, explain it.
- Ask the legislator to state his or her position in their reply.
- Ask your legislator if they prefer to be contacted by fax,
e-mail, phone or letter.
Write your legislator when they do
something you approve of. Too often legislators hear only from
constituents that are against something. Everyone enjoys a good
word rather than a complaint.
- Do not send a postcard.
- Do not sign and send a form letter.
- Do not begin on a righteous note ("As
a citizen and taxpayer..." or "As a concerned citizen...").
Legislators know you pay taxes and are a citizen.
- Do not apologize for writing and
taking their time. If your letter is short and clearly expresses
your opinion, they are happy to give it some consideration.
- Do not be rude or threatening.
- Do not send a copy of your
letter to other legislators; write each one individually.
How to address your letters:
When writing to a State Legislator or Governor:
The Honorable
John Doe or The Honorable Jane Doe
State Senator or State Representative or Governor
State House or Straton Building, Room ###
Springfield, IL 62706
When writing to a U. S. Representative or U.S. Senator:
The Honorable John Doe or The Honorable
Jane Doe
U. S. House of Representatives or U. S. Senate
Illinois or Washington, D.C.
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