of Chicago
111 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 2010
Chicago IL 60602-2949

RTAC is Seeking a Zoom Host

RTAC’s Zoom host must be wiling to coordinate and host virtual and/or hybrid events including Board of Directors’ and Committee meetings along with hosting our Spring and Fall Seminar series. With the exception of Board of Directors’ meetings, sessions are usually virtual and can be hosted from home. Depending upon weather and other factors, Board meetings will usually be hybrid and will need to be hosted in the Garland Building.

Scheduling a Zoom session:

Other than the scheduling of the Board of Director’s meetings, scheduling of the Zoom sessions requires coordination between the Zoom host, the Executive Director, the Committee Chair and the Webmaster.

1) The Committee Chair checks the posted meeting calendar to determine if there are any conflict with a possible date or dates and times for their meeting(s).

2) The Committee Chair checks with the Zoom Host to see if they are available on the possible date(s).

3) If there are no conflicts, the Zoom sessions can be scheduled and the Committee Chair can request that the WebMaster post the meeting(s). NOTE: A meeting must be posted on the website calendar no less than 5 days prior to thr meeting.

Hosting a Zoom session:

1) The invitation, including the link and automatic recording, should be created two working days before the session. A copy of the invitation is distributed to all committee members plus the President, Executive Director and any other RTAC member specifically requesting visitor status;

2) The session is opened 10 to 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time;

3) As the invited members appear in the waiting room they should be admitted. Unrecognizable people should be conditionally admitted and then verify their eligibility and the name on the member’s feed changed. This is particularly necessary for anyone calling in via phone.

Post meeting procedures:

1) Immediately after the meeting is closed Zoom automatically begins processing the video. This may take as much as 30 minutes. Save the processed video on your desktop.

2) The resulting mp4 file then needs to be trimmed using your favorite video editing software to remove anything before the call to order and after the adjournment. If it was a double meeting (i.e. RTAC and CRTAF Board meetings) the two must be separated into 2 videos, one for each meeting.

3) Finally, the meeting(s) need to be burned on a DVD for the Executive Director’s archive.

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