of Chicago
111 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 2010
 Chicago IL 60602-2949
The RTAC Website Manager

The RTAC Webmaster will be responsible for maintaining and updating the RTAC.ORG Website. This consists of updating information concerning significant announcements/events along with updating the calendar, including posting and coordinating material with the Executive Director, President  and Committee chairs. Depending on the time of year and upcoming activities, changes/updates occur about once or twice a month but may be needed as often as daily, especially when the Illinois Legislature is in session. Major updates are needed at the end of the year when legislation and workshops need to be archived.  At least once a year a Crawler or Spider program (Zenu, ScreamingMonkey, etc.) should be used to find broken or disconnected links.

The website is constructed in plain HTML and is HTML 5.0 compliant. Because it is in plain HTML, the webmaster should keep a mirror of the site on their own computer and make (and verify) changes off line.  Any WYSIWYG editor (i.e. Mozilla's SeaMonkey, Microsoft's Expressions4, etc.) can be used to make changes to the local HTML page(s).  Some pages are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require a PDF editor (i.e. Adobe Acrobat, Nuance Power PDF, etc.) to edit/update.  Graphics can be edited using a program similar to XnView.

Once the changes have been made on your local computer, the edited files will need to be uploaded using a FTP program (FileZila or similar).

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