of Chicago
111 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 2010
 Chicago IL 60602-2949
The RTAC Alert System


ShutWe are seeking a volunteer to manage our RTAC Alert e-mail system. Working with the RTAC President and Executive Director, the RTAC Alert system is designed to promptly notify our membership of pending legislation or other actions which may affect our CTPF pensions or benefits along with recommending any action our members may need to take.

Preparing and sending an Alert: If the alert is not is not provided by the President or Executive Director you will need to use a word processor (MS Word?) to create one and have it approved.  If one is provided, Open GoogleGroups, create a new conversation and paste the message along with any attachments and send it out.  Then sign into MailChimp and follow the prompts to create the message.  When asked 'When to send it' check NOW.

Updating the distribution lists: in order to update the distribution lists the RTAC alert manager will need:

1) a working knowledge of both a word processor to create and/or edit the proposed alert and a spreadsheet program to update the e-mail address changes. (Microsoft Word and Excel or their equivalent);

2) the ability to do mass imports and exports to and from g-mail, GoogleGroups and MailChimp accounts;

3) to be available on a daily basis while the Illinois Legislature is in session (we have had situations where damaging legislation was introduced on a Friday and scheduled for a vote on the following Monday);

4) to be available weekly when the legislature is not in session in the event that CTPF may need some input or outside guidance on proposed actions.

5) update the distribution lists bi-monthly by:

A) obtaining the current list of e-mails in the RTAC database and removing all e-mail addresses marked ‘BLOCKED’, BOUNCED’ and/or ‘REMOVE’. Then insert a new column D and fill it with ‘DB’ – NOTE: with the exception of members e-mails, RTAC policy is that member data may NOT be shared outsiide of the offfice and data MAY NOT be e-mailed, meaning that the current list of member’s e-mails must be personally received by visiting the RTAC office or having an office employee bring you a flashdrive;

B) download the distribution list from GoogleGroups and separate the ‘Bouncing’ list and send the bounces to the RTAC office. Remove all data after column C. Fill column D with ‘GG’;

C) import the distribution lists from MaillChimp, extract the ‘Cleaned’ list and send it to the RTAC office. Clear all data after column C. Fill column D with ‘MC’;

D) combine the three lists into one long list making sure that the e-mails are in column C and the source (DB, GG, or MC) is in column D.

E) sort the list on column C (e-mail address) and delete all duplicates.

F) of the remaining e-mails, those marked DB are new and should be added to the distribution list in GoogleGroups while those marked GG or MC need to be removed fron the corresponding e-mail client list as they are no longer a RTAC member.

6) Prepare a monthly report for the Board of Director’s meeting summarizing the Alerts sent and the total number of Alert members.

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